14-year-old high notes
Aging, shaky voice
Aging voice, health issues and high notes
Air in my stomach
Audition nerves
Audition — no high notes
Being less breathy
Breathing exercises
Boyish voice
Chewing gum
Can people learn to sing
Career fear
Change entire voice
Changing voice to be deeper and richer
Clogged up
Clogged throat
Competitive singer with mucus
Connecting to whistle register
Dizziness and numbness
Do lessons help?
Dry mouth
Decreasing nasality
Dialogue: many question
Dry throat
Dry throat 2
Ease versus depth
Easy high notes
Excess Mucus
Excess saliva
Excess saliva due to acid reflux
Excess vibrato in aging singer
Exercises wanted
Falsetto 2
Finding high notes for the high school play
From two to sixty-two
High blood pressure and singing
High larynx
How can I get myself to sing again?
How can I make my voice higher
How to strengthen the lower voice
How to recover from vocal fatigue and over singing
Imitating others
Increase baritone range
Increasing male range without falsetto
Injury from singing
Laryngeal pain and developmental process
Lost voice with performance ahead
Losing voice due to congestion
Low, scratchy and shaky
Lyric soprano/coloratura
Maintaining pitch
Male puberty
Male teen vocal range
Mezzo models
Microphone and vocal quality
Morning voice
Morning voice and late day voice
Mucus in the throat
Nerves and trembling
Need a place to sing
The need for lessons
Nerve damage
No middle range
Nodes on thyroid
Nose plugging
Out of breath and asthma
Pacing the exhalation
Performance anxiety
Post nasal drip and heavy voice
Post nodule surgery
Pulmonary embolism
Quick fix for phlegm
Ripped off by teacher
Scratchy voice and mucus
Shaky singing voice
Shaky voice and vibrato on loud notes
Should singers study with teachers and coaches of the same sex?
Singing and speaking: deeper and less nasal
Singing loudly
Singing softly
Singing voice suffering due to speaking
Sinus surgery
Sixteen-year-old male high notes
Smooth voice
Somewhere between shout and breathy
Squeaky high notes 1
Squeaky high notes 2
Squeaky singing voice
Stabilizing the larynx
Strained voice
Strength and stability in the lower voice
Strengthen the singing voice
Swollen vocal cords
Teacher or coach
Teaching high notes without nasality
Tenors and falsetto
The right doctor
Till Lindemann sound alike
Tingling sensation — sinuses
Tiring high notes
Turning screaming into singing
Unpressured Phonation and Head Resonance
Vocal care after singing
Vocal projection
Vocal stress and performance
Voice change at puberty
Voice too low
Voice types
Volume control
Weak diction
Weight-lifting and the voice
Whistle register defined
Whistle register 1
Whistle register 2
Will my voice get stronger?
Woman wants more feminine singing voice
Writing inspirational songs
Young mezzo above high C
Hey I’m 20 years old and my voice is too boyish. Will my voice get more mature even though I’ve already went through puberty, any tips on getting a more mature voice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi There!
I’ve posted some answers to this question in the archives, which you might want to check out. You can certainly work to increase the resonance and lower the speaking pitch of your voice, which will help you to sound less boyish. By your age it might not happen naturally — you might want to seek the help of a speech therapist or voice coach.
Hey I’m a 18 year old male and my voice is very strange for me. When I singing softly so that only I really hear it, my voice feels so much more free. I can use my falsetto and hit higher notes as well. I can do runs and riffs and use it however but as I try and increase the volume I feel a lot of tension in my throat and my voice begins to crack. I would love to be able to use the same voice that I sing softly with to actually sing for people but there… Read more »
Hello! I suspect that rather than using your body to support the increase in volume you are digging into your vocal muscles. This will make the sound louder, but the excess pressure would cause the voice to crack or become very tense. If you can, try to get some singing lessons so you can learn how to engage your body and take the pressure off the vocal mechanism. I think it is happening because your body isn’t strong enough. When that is in place the voice will be able to strengthen organically. That being said, you are young and if… Read more »