7th grade with a lisp
12-year-old male and pitch
13-year-old with a low voice
14 and soft spoken
18-year-old “r” and low energy
22-year-old: voice hasn’t changed
Accent correction
Anabolic steroids
Anxiety at work
Anxious speed speaker
Articulating “t” and “d”
At wit’s end: nasal and high-pitched
Auditory Figure-ground processing disorder
Blocked nose
Breath, voice and posture
Breathy laugh
Can a normal voice be accessed when hoarse?
Can a woman sound more masculine?
Can speaking softly cause vocal damage?
Can surgery deepen the voice?
Car accident
Changing voice — male, 16
Childish female voice
Command voice
Compelling or charismatic voice
Dental work
Developmental issues
Distressed over vocal decline and trouble being heard
Does vocal exercise speed the shift though puberty?
Encouraging conversation
Excess saliva
Exercise and vocal tension
Exercises wanted
Female voice too low
Final “r”
Finding a speaking coach
Forcing at fourteen
Hopeful in Darjeeling
How to deepen the voice — high school
I have to repeat myself
I lose my voice quickly
Illness and stammering
Injured vocal cord
Lip movement
Little girl voice
Loud coworker
Loud in construction
Loud speaker
Low confidence due to vocal issues
Middle voice at puberty
My voice hurts/vocal fatigue
Nasal “r”
Nasality and high pitch
Nasality helps?!
Nasality, lisping and ridicule
Need to project
Post nasal drip
Post surgery anxiety
Presentation problems due to anxiety
Quick volume
“R” sounds like “w”
“R” sounds like “w” 2
Recovery from strain
Shaky speaking voice
Shouting and screaming
Singing and speaking: deeper and less nasal
Slow and drawn out
Slowing down
Soft spoken
Sore Adam’s Apple
Sore throat
Sounding normal
Speak soft and low
Speaking with authentic self-worth
Speech disorder
Stammer and high pitch
Steroids to lower voice
Teaching the “aw”sound
The impact of posture and breath
The tongue
Thick tongue
Thick tongue/excess saliva
Throat blockage and no volume
Tight voice
Tongue twisters
Too darn fast in Sydney
Too loud
Too loud or too soft, and hoarse
Too nasal
Trauma and the voice
Unclear and misunderstood
Uninteresting voice
Vocal hygiene for primary school teachers
Vocal mannerisms
Vocal strain
Voice too high
Voice writer — need to speak quietly
Want a mature, confident voice
Want to be clear and strong
Whispering – never after surgery
Will a retainer cause problems?