I lose my voice very quickly–especially if I’ve been talking a lot. At parties and loud gatherings, I strain to talk and people complain they can’t hear me although my normal talking voice is not soft. Are there vocal or breathing excercises I can do to help strengthen my voice?
Yes, there are exercises you can do to strengthen your voice. Since you fatigue easily and need to be careful, I recommend you work with a voice specialist. Meanwhile, in noisy situations, don’t speak to anyone you can’t touch, and speak right into their ear so you don’t have to strain. Don’t be afraid to add a little nasality as that will make your voice more audible in a noisy room without tiring you so much.
I also lose my voice very easily! it is lost so easily that, even if I am talking on the phone in the car with no music on for too long, i will lose it. Is it possible that I damaged my vocal chords somewhere down the line? I used to scream very loud at sporting events, to the point where now all i have to do is yell one time loudly and my voice is completely gone for a day or two. Is there a surgery available for this problem? What can I do?
It’s possible that you injured your voice and that you re-injure it very easily because you have not changed the way you use it. It could also be that you have a chronic health issue like acid reflux, allergies, post nasal drip, thyroid condition etc. If you smoke or drink that can cause issues and so can certain medications. You need to see a laryngologist or ENT to determine what has happened, what is causing the issue and what can remedy it. You will also most likely need to go for speech therapy or work with a qualified voice teacher… Read more »