I would like to learn how to get rid my squeaky voice. I’m fourteen and a lot of kids at school say I have a squeaky voice; some say it’s high pitched and some say its really super girly. This has been going on for two years and I don’t want my voice to be any of those things any more. My parents won’t take me to a voice therapist so I wanted some voice exercises I could do at home.
I’m so sorry, but this is not a question I can answer without hearing and seeing you. Since you are in school could you ask your teachers for help? It is not my plan to use this blog to promote my VOCAL TUNE-UP CD, but the reason I created it is to help anyone looking for help who cannot, for whatever reason, get to a speech therapist or voice teacher. It has a lot of exercises that could help you develop your voice. Without the audio that the CD provides, it would be very hard for me to describe to you what to do. I know that you have the ability to find the help you seek and I wish you all good!