Today, I found out I have Nodes in my Thyroid. Nothing was mentioned about Nodes on my vocal cords, however. I do not believe that is happening, Will singing bother these Nodes in my Thyroid, and could the pain get worse from singing?
As far as I know singing would not bother your thyroid or irritate the nodules, but your doctor is the one to ask for sure. A voice coach will be helpful if you need to deal with vocal fatigue or injury as a result of thyroid disease, but for everything relating to your thyroid you need to ask your endocrynologist.
Sometimes an enlarged thyroid bothers one’s singing. Do you have hyper or hypo thyroid disease, or Hashimoto thyroiditis? Each of these results in different vocal issues and your vocal coach will hopefully know about them. It is important to work differently with the different symptoms.
Will you be taking medication or having a surgery? In both cases, as well as having the recommendations of your endocrinologist, you might want to have the recommendations of a laryngologist regarding vocal use.
It’s great that you have a diagnosis — you will feel so much better once it is treated! I wish your grace in healing.