How do I get rid of my nasal tone when I sing?
Nasality is usually caused by closing off the back of the mouth: the tongue is raised high in the back and/or the soft palette (the roof of the mouth at the back where it is flexible) is very low and touching the tongue. A quick trick is to plug your nose and move the soft palette as though you are going to yawn or are surprised. Once the nasal sound goes away and you have memorized the feeling you can let go of your nose. Nasal consonants such as “m,” “n” and “ng” will always block the nose but the vowels should all be open in the back. “O” and “u” vowels are usually less nasal so you can also use them to establish a more open tone. Switch between the open vowel (“o” or “u”) and more nasal sounds (“ee” or “ay”) attempting to keep the same openess in all the vowel sounds.