I want a nice, soft, girly singing voice. How do I get it? I have a nasal, boyish-deep voice (yes I’m a girl). Is their anyway I can get a really beautiful singing voice? thnx :]
There are a couple elements you can play with:
— You want to press less deeply into the vocal cords. Very gently touch a surface and run your finger along it as you sing. Try to make the action between your vocal cords as gentle as the touch of your finger.
— Singing higher in the vocal range will help you explore the feminine qualities of the sound. Do high sirens, imitate children and laugh on high pitches to find easy, gentle sounds up there.
— More high overtones in the voice add to the feminine quality. You can access them with humming “M, N, or NG” or using an “EE” vowel sound. Then use the hum or “EE” to educate other vowels and tones.
Release Nasality:
Read other posts on getting rid of excess nasality.