I am a competitive singer. Last year ,while onstage in the middle of a piece, I felt some mucous on my vocal folds. What is the most discreet way to deal with this? It really disrupted my focus AND my clarity.
This is NOT fun when it happens.
1) Do not sing into the mucus, or have the feeling that you are pushing against it as you sing. Rather, think of using such a fine edge of the vocal cords that you thread the sound without even touching the mucus.
2) If there is a little break, sometimes a low, quiet vocal fry will clear it.
3) Sometimes you just have to clear your throat.
Most importantly, if you really prepare before hand you should not get mucus while singing:
1) Do yoga breathing exercises to clear the respiratory system.
2) Use a neti pot to clear the sinuses.
3) Gargle to clear the throat.
Drink lots of water and avoid muscus causing foods and beverages.