My problem is that my voice has become hoarse and breathy and anytime I talk or sing , I get a scratchy , sore sensation in my throat so I stop. I always have to put in extra effort to talk and it feels like I’m straining even when I say a simple sentence. It has forced me to speak in a low volume and my voice is not strong. The muscles in my throat and under my jaw hurt and it feels like there is a lump in my throat when I swallow. I went to my throat hospital but they said there was nothing wrong three months ago. Can you help me please because I have a major audition in two weeks and it will ruin my whole singing career if my voice fails me.
The first thing you must do is release all stress and fear. Stress and anxiety create extreme pressure on the voice and they do nothing to help you solve your dilemma. And you must have faith — no single audition can make or break a career — if you are unwell you reschedule — singer’s get sick. You MUST go back to a doctor because a lot can happen in 3 months. And you must keep going to doctors until you find someone who can determine the cause of your problems. It took years before someone finally diagnosed my thyroid disease which was causing major havoc not only in my throat but for my entire body. You must find out not only what is happening to the cords but also what is causing it. Meanwhile, rest deeply, do NOT take anything with menthol, eucalyptus or citrus in it (they all dehydrate). Steam. Drink as much water as possible. Try tea or drops with slippery elm and black licorice (Throat Coat by Traditional Medicinals is a good brand). Visualize your singing in “real time.” Hear and see yourself singing effortlessly and beautifully. See your listeners enjoying every note. Notice that you are at peace while you sing, that you are flooded with grace and that grace goes through you to your audience. Lastly, surrender. Accept this and determine to do whatever it takes because it is not the illness that ruins a career but rather one’s attitude about it. Everything is possible and you must live to create the good that life is capable of.